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In Ayurveda treatment includes intake of medicines and therapies done externally.
                           Types Of Treatment

  • Sodhana therapy    (purification treatment)
  • Shamana therapy    (palliative treatment)
  • Pathya vyavastha   (diet and lifestyle correction)
  • Sathvavajaya          (psychotherapy)
  • Rasayana therapy   (antiageing  and rejuvenative therapy)

Intake Of Medicines
Medicines are available in the form of decoctions, tablets, oils, churnas(powder) and lehyas.

Importance of cleansing treatments
Accumlation of toxins occurs in the body due to defects in lifestyle and diet. As a result the various channels in the body are blocked leading to imbalance of doshas. The nourishment of Sapthadhatus namely Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi Majja and Sukra is affected. This condition results in diseases. Therefore Panchakarmas or cleansing treatments are very important. Other therapies called supportive therapies are used to prepare body for cleansing therapies; or as curative measures in some cases where body is not strong enough to do the panchakarmas.

Abhyangam is ayurvedic massage using medicated oils.This massage improves circulation and lymphatic drainage,gets rid of the blockages and helps to flush out toxins.Abhyangam soothes away aches and pains and improves flexibility of joints.

Ayurvedic head massage  provides relaxation  and also relief from head ache.

Pouches of herbal powder are heated  and used for massage.In certain conditions oil is also used.This treatment can be done for a specific area or for the entire body.
Podikkizhi is very effective in joint pain and inflammation.

Udwarthanam is deep dry massage using herbal powder.this increases circulation and metabolism and therefore reduces fat.It reduces oedema of the body; and soothes stiff muscles. Udwarthanam helps to reduce subcutaneous fat and is effective in controlling cholesterol and obesity.

Cloth boluses are filled with medicinal njavara rice cooked in a decoction of herbs and milk.Massage is done with with these boluses .During the treatment the boluses are dipped in the same decoction .Njavarakkizhi treatment is extremely rejuvenating and nourishing.It nourishes all the seven tissues and gives amazing results in cervical spondylosis and all problems arising from degeneration of joints like knee ache,back ache and weakness of muscles.

Medicated buttermilk is poured on forehead in a rhythmic manner in takradhara.Buttermilk is processed with herbs like Amla,chandana and usheera. Takradhara is effective in depression, migraine, sleeplessness and psoriasis.It is effective in controlling hormone imbalances related to pituitary gland.

A boundary of black gram paste is made around the eyes and medicated ghee is retained in it.This therapy cools and rejuvenates eyes. This gives good results in short sight; when done as a continuous course.

Pizhichil is a special form of Ayurvedic treatment where rich oil massage is performed using warm medicated oil.During this indulgent treatment, four litres of medicated oil is poured continuously over the body while two therapists perform massage.This is a highly rejuvenating treatment that enhances muscle tone.It rejuvenates the entire nervous system.It is recommended for vata types,osteo arthritis and rheumatism.It is an antiaging treatment.



Vamana is emesis therapy. Body is prepared by giving medicines the previous day. On the day of therapy medicine is given in milk or decoction and vomiting is induced.Vamana cleanses all the kapha toxins in the digestive tract and small intestine.

Virechana is the cleansing therapy which eliminates excess pitta from the body.Before Virechana also, the body of an individual is prepared by giving medicines to get best results.Medicine for purgation is administered to induce purgation.

Nasyam is administering medicines through the nose.This therapy makes use of the Transnasal pathway .Nasyam is used to cleanse the sinuses and also in diseases of central nervous system where transnasal pathway is used to administer medicines in an effective way.

Snehavasthy is one of the five classical detoxification therapies.This is very effective in balancing vata.The main seat of Vata is Pakvasaya (large intestine). So Snehavasthi or medicated oil enema is used to pacify Vata and prevent degeneration.Snehavasthy is effective in paralysis, lower back ache, disc prolapse, gout, and rheumatism. It nourishes the seven dhatus in the body.

Kashayavasthi is enema using a combination of honey, oil, herbal paste and herbal decoction. The combination and preparation is very important.Kashayavasthi is effective in arthritis, neurological ilments, low back ache etc.

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